Saturday, October 23, 2010

Creative Commons

Photo Attribution:

Original Image: "Venice Canals"
By:  Lindsay Sanders

Released under Attribution Licence

Photo Attribution:

Original Image: "Happy Pi Day (to the 69th digit)!"
By:  Mykl Roventine

Released under Attribution Licence

Images can make all the difference in your lessons. To visual learners, as discussed in the reading Student Learning Styles and Their Implications for Teaching, pictures, charts, images, clipart, etc. are engaging in lessons. These students will have a visual image to draw back on when remembering a concept taught in my class. I try to add clipart to my powerpoint notes and to accompany word problems in hopes that students will recollect the problem solving process for a particular question on future assessments. What I will be sure to do in the future is give photo attribution and search for my photos on Flickr or Creative Commons websites.

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