Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Differences Between Traditional Websites & Blogs

After exploring Blogger and other Blog websites, I can see many differences between these websites and traditional websites. The biggest of these would be the interaction and personalization of the author and other readers. On traditional web pages, readers will see information, pictures, etc., but usually do not have the option to comment, tag, or share. There are also many different websites to create blogs through Blogger, Edublog, etc. As a teacher, blogging can enhance my communication and collaboration with my students and their parents, where my traditional teacher web page just illustrates basic information.


  1. If you are not already using a blog with your students, I hope you will give it a try after seeing the benefits in class for yourself.

  2. I agree with Miztech=8-) The blogs are a wonderful way for students to explain/describe how to solve a particular math problem. Write about what worked and what didn't. If your students are like mine, they will take to it like ducks to water.
