For our storyboard, each group member was responsible for a part of our tutorial. There are 4 parts total for the Google Docs tutorial that include Google Docs, Google Presentation, Google Spreadsheets and Forms, and Google Drawing. Megan chose to discuss Google Documents, Kevin chose Presentation, Laura chose Spreadsheets and Forms together, and I chose Drawing. We also chose a storyboard template from the link that our instructor displayed in Angel’s communication links. We uploaded this document to, none other than, Google Docs and collaborated on it throughout the past few weeks. Together as a group, we spent time editing and met once to chat in the discussion feature of Google Docs. All of our chats for this project are located in our group’s Angel discussion forum under “Group Documents”.
In order to create my portion of the storyboard, I played around with Google Drawing to be sure I fully understood the basic functions it allowed. I then came up with an order for the objects and features I wanted to highlight in the tutorial. I screen-captured all of these items and highlighted the object that was being discussed or that needed to be clicked. After I saved all of the screen shots, I uploaded them into the “visual description or sketch goes here” portions of storyboard and proceeded to create a script for each slide. Since Google Drawing will be our last portion of our tutorial, I took it upon my self to add a small conclusion slide with script. I had thought of just using Photo Story to upload my screen shots and record the narration, but then decided I wanted to make it look more like a tutorial video. Therefore, I will use Screecast-o-Matic. By using this program, the viewer will be able to see the motions of my cursor and more detail than if they were just seeing screen shots. All group members decided to use this program for their part, and then we will put all 4 video together for our final tutorial using Windows Movie Maker.
Link to Storyboard and Script
Outstanding storyboard, Group 3!! It looks like your group is ready to move onto the next phase in the production process - recording. Just a heads up ~ the group is going to want to consider adding a closing statement at the end of the last section - effectively signing off. I'm looking forward with great anticipation, to watching your Google Docs tutorial in a couple of weeks. Fabulous team work, here=8-)